Search Based Filesystem
I was using a friend's OS X machine briefly, and at one point thought that how the "Movies" folder worked was it acted as an index into the actual filesystem, using some search technology or another to find all of your movies and present them to you. Presenting search results as a directory of files instead of a list (especially with movies, since they are normally a single file that are more or less independent of each other) seemed so obviously user-friendly that I figured that had to be what Apple would do. (Apparently not: my friend said it's just a plain old directory with actual files in it). But my misconception planted the idea that this would be pretty useful!
I wouldn't mind being able to do this:
$ cd /search/jpg $ ls [all files matching *.jpg that the current user has read access to in all directories]
Just having simple combined extension searches, or a filename-based regexp, would replace many uses of find or slocate. I think "(flac|mp3|ogg|m4a)$" would be the first criteria I would want to use, so I can find all of my music easily no matter what odd corner of my disk it had ended up in.
Probably this could use slocate or an equivalent as the backend, at least as the first implementation. I would much rather having it dynamically update as files are created, renamed, or deleted, with no need to regenerate a cache. I'm not sure how that could be done efficiently on Linux without hooking in all of the file syscalls (which would require using LSM, probably).
Handling filename conflicts would probably be interesting. Maybe you could prefix as many directories as needed in order to make duplicates unique? Since if you've walked up to the root and they are still identical then they have the same path.
Only listing a file once no matter how many hardlinks it has would seem to require keeping a list of all inodes that you've listed so far.
FUSE seems like it would be the fastest way to prototype something like this.