Racing in Java
Reading the documentation for Java's File object, I was astounded to find that the Java designers managed to replicate one of the best known file system race conditions for no good reason: the functions canRead and canWrite are essentially the Java equivalents of the access function, which is so well known to be a security hole that the Linux man page actually warns that:
Using access() to check if a user is authorized to e.g. open a file before actually doing so using open(2) creates a security hole, because the user might exploit the short time interval between checking and opening the file to manipulate it.
While OpenBSD provides the less ambiguous caveat that:
access() is a potential security hole and should never be used.
This comes up in several contexts, including when trying to allocate a temporary file. A classic (flawed) pattern for this task is to generate a random filename (usually situated in a shared directory like /tmp), call access to see if the file exists, and if not, open up that filename and use the returned file object as a scratchpad. The problem is if someone else is racing you: in between the time access returns and the file is opened, an attacker can create that file and "capture" your open call. One common (if not particularly inventive) attack is to create the file as a symbolic link to a file owned by the victim. The victim's process will (on ACL-based systems like Windows, MacOS X, or Unix) have full access rights to all of their files, so it will happily stomp on something important without ever realizing it. This is a great example of the confused deputy problem a non-malicious program is tricked by a third party into using its authority in unintended ways.
I don't believe there is any situation where an application can use these functions safely. At best, they can provide "early failure" to additional user friendliness, in the same way that doing input validation of a web form in JavaScript can. But in both cases, in the end you can't trust the results.
An additional comment: these functions will throw a SecurityException if the security manager forbids read or write access to the files. But this is in direct violation of the semantics of the functions: if attempts to actually read or write the file will be forbidden by the security manager, then a function that "Tests whether the application can read[/write] the file denoted by this abstract pathname." should simply return false (because the application cannot read/write that file), not fail with an exception. Bizarre!